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Egg freezing

What is the process of egg freezing with Anju? 

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing involves the collection and cryopreservation (freezing) of eggs. The process involves stimulating the ovaries with hormones to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved using a needle inserted through the vagina into the ovaries. The eggs are then frozen using a special technique called vitrification, which rapidly cools the eggs to prevent ice crystal formation that could damage the egg. Once frozen, the eggs can be stored for a number of years. When you are ready to use your eggs, they are thawed and fertilised with sperm using in vitro fertilisation (IVF) techniques.


What are the benefits of freezing eggs?

  • Preserving fertility: Egg freezing allows people to preserve their eggs for future use, which can be particularly important for people who may face certain medical conditions or treatments that could affect their fertility, such as cancer treatment or gender affirming treatment

  • Delaying childbearing: Egg freezing can give people more time to pursue personal or career goals while still preserving the option to have biological children later in life.

  • Improved chances of success: Eggs that are frozen at a younger age are generally of better quality, which can improve the chances of a successful pregnancy later on.

  • Flexibility: Egg freezing can provide people with greater flexibility in family planning, as they can choose to use their frozen eggs when they are ready to have children.

  • Peace of mind: For people who are concerned about their fertility or who want to take proactive steps to ensure their ability to have biological children in the future, egg freezing can provide peace of mind and alleviate anxiety.


Important considerations when freezing eggs

  • Success rates: While egg freezing has improved over the years, success rates are not guaranteed, and can vary depending on factors such as the age of the person at the time of egg retrieval and the quality of the eggs

  • Cost: The cost of egg freezing varies, for some people Medicare rebates are available. The cost typically includes medication, cycle management, and the egg retrieval procedure itself. Additionally, there may be other costs for storing the eggs and later fertilisation through IVF.

  • Physical and emotional side effects: The process of egg retrieval can be physically uncomfortable, and the medications used can have side effects such as bloating, headaches, and mood changes.

  • Timing: Egg freezing is most effective when done at a younger age.

  • It is essential to note that sometimes people may need multiple attempts at egg collection in order to achieve an adequate number to optimise the chances of having a baby in the future. 


It is important to discuss these considerations with a fertility specialist to determine if egg freezing is a good option based on individual circumstances.

Are there any risks? 

The procedure is similar to egg collection during routine IVF however potential risks are:

  • A small number of women have an excessive response to the fertility drugs and can develop ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), however this risk is low with modern day medications. 

  • Rare procedure related complications such as infection, vessel and visceral injuries. 

  • Long-term health of babies born as a result is not known. However, it is reassuring that their health at birth appears to be similar to that of children conceived naturally.

  • Current data does not support increase risk of malignancy with the drugs used. 

What is the process for freezing eggs with Anju?

  1. Get a referral from your GP to see Anju.

  2. Make an appointment with Anju - at this point you will receive request forms for fertility investigations to do in the lead up to your initial appointment

  3. Attend appointment with Anju to discuss egg freezing and whether this is something you would like to pursue

  4. Register with Monash IVF (our affiliated clinic), and attend a mandatory counselling session (over the phone or via Telehealth)

  5. Meet with the Monash IVF Nurse (in Bendigo or via Telehealth) where they will provide education about the egg freeze process

  6. Undergo egg freezing process. This can be done locally, in Bendigo or through the Melbourne clinic (with local monitoring).

Click here for more information on preparing for egg freezing 

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